
Riviera Adriatica :: Marche

A varied landscape (the Adriatic sea, with its flat and sandy coast interrupted at intervals by rugged precipices; the countryside of its gentle hills) enriched with towns (Ravenna, Macerata, Urbino), all of them of important artistic value.

Property 424 Treia | Beds: 11 | Bedrooms: 5
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Property 10230 Tolentino | Beds: 10 | Bedrooms: 5
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Property 1557152276 Civitanova Alta | Beds: 14 | Bedrooms: 7
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Property 1557152277 Civitanova Alta | Beds: 8 | Bedrooms: 4
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Property 1605885695 Ancona | Beds: 9 | Bedrooms: 6
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Property 1633097703 Montefortino | Beds: 7 + 2 | Bedrooms: 4
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